Control technology for AD plants: Agracontrol
Our "agracontrol green" control software and technology, which was developed in-house, is unique and can be used for small and mid-sized AD plants as well as industrial scale plants. It brings together all of Agraferm's essential experience in the automation of processes and production of biogas.
“agracontrol green” controls the following processes for you:
- All important parameters relating to the input and timing of feedstock
- Monitoring and documentation of filling levels
- Automation of pumps and mixers
- All data presented comprehensively on screen
- Visual presentation ensures timely recognition and rectification of possible process malfunction
- Monitoring of gas quality and automatic notification of faults via transmission to a remote unit

Short description:
This module controls the sequence of the process in the plant and its current behaviour and as such is the heart of the plant. The software, which was developed by Agraferm, is based on Siemens Step7 and uses a stored-program control system.
Process monitoring system
The interface provides a visual representation of the process in the plant. This is installed on a panel PC or desktop PC depending on the plant design. The monitor displays an easy-to-understand representation of the process in the plant. The user can choose between numerical values, graphical symbols, colour or bar charts to view the current status of all stages of the process, such as container levels, temperature of the process media and the flow rates through the pipe systems.
An additional reporting module is also installed on the control computer to assess the efficiency of the plant. This tool is used to collect, archive and evaluate the operating data.
Service and maintenance
There is a further module on the control computer for administration and for preventative maintenance which offers the following functions:
- Manage summary of current status
- Maintenance summary
- Annual report of maintenance
- Manage aggregate temperatures
- Administration of historical reports
- Administration of aggregate related documents
- Input and administration of values recorded by Hand
Fault notification
The fault notification module sends fault messages from the process control system to a mobile phone, fax machine or via email. It provides constant monitoring of the plant especially when the operating personnel are absent.
Distance maintenance
The distance maintenance module allows the operator to monitor the plant from a distance. This module also enables the technical and biological staff of Agraferm to fully monitor the plant.
The remote monitoring system “agracontrol green” from Agracontrol is a service that can be used for older plants as well as new biogas plants.