Construction and commissioning of AD plants
Agraferm has many years of experience in international plant construction and has developed a reliable project management division for the realisation. The implementation teams comprise a healthy mixture of motivated 'juniors' and 'seniors'.
The most important aspects during the construction phase and when first starting up the plant are:
For our teams, deadlines are a promise and an obligation. No plant in the company's entire history has been completed behind schedule.
Expertise in process engineering
A stable digestion process and maximum gas yield are the determining factors for the Agraferm process guarantee. Agraferm selects and installs the plant components based on the individual needs of the respective process and assumes responsibility for the entire process. Agraferm relies on a pool of verified technical suppliers, who are periodically reviewed.
Keeping an eye on your cash flow
During the entire construction phase, Agraferm keeps its sights trained on rapid commissioning and commencement of operation at full power. The system start-up, however, is always performed with utmost care in order to achieve a stable biological equilibrium. Planned performance runs facilitate the plant's rapid acceptance.
Worldly experience
Over the last ten years, Agraferm has proven: We do international. Agraferm is experienced at handling authorities in many different countries, familiar with different health & safety regulations and moves confidently in different legal environments – including when handling contracts.